By way of the beneficent funding from various federal and military agencies, as well as private foundations, our lab has acquired numerous instruments that afford our group the best and most efficient methods for synthetic biology and protein characterization. Instruments range from technologies enabling upstream recombinant DNA synthesis to downstream structural and activity assays of proteins.

The NanoDSC enables investigation of the thermodynamic properties of our proteins in microvolume amounts of solution.

The Äkta Purifier enables the fast and efficient purification of protein samples from whole cell lysate.

The BioTek Synergy H1MD microplate reader is the most recent addition to the spectrophotometric toolset in the lab, acquired with DURIP instrumentation grant funding.

This inverted microscope, the first microscope acquired by the Montclare Group, was obtained with DURIP instrumentation grant funding.

The Waters Acquity H-Class UPLC was acquired with a DURIP instrumentation grant.